Thank You!

A big warm THANK YOU to all of our incredibly generous 2024 SPONSORS!!!

The Tee It Up Foundation is humbled and excited to announce this year’s donation of $160,000 to fund cancer research and find a cure!

Our research facility of choice this year is the Huntsman Cancer Institute as they continue to be world class in cancer research and treatment.

This represents over $1,468,000 in the 12 years to help fight and obliterate this terrible disease.


Join us next year for Whoop It Up 2025

Tee It Up Foundation Volunteer Board

Marianne Goldthorpe • Jayne Peterson • Lori Seppi

Carol Igoe • Lidia Di Lello (not pictured)



One Important Cause

Cancer Research

5 ( Determined )Women

1 Big ( 3 Day Event )

100% Volunteer

501 (C ) 3



Just Remember

1 out of 3 Women & 1 out of 2 Men

will have cancer in their lifetime.

How many do you know?



One Important Cause

Cancer Research

5 ( Determined )Women

1 Big ( 3 Day Event )

100% Volunteer

501 (C ) 3



Just Remember

1 out of 3 Women & 1 out of 2 Men

will have cancer in their lifetime.

How many do you know?